Honda of Staten Island

How To Install A New Chrysler Windscreen

A damaged windscreen can be a serious safety hazard, impairing your visibility and putting you at risk of accidents. If your Chrysler vehicle's windscreen is cracked or otherwise damaged, it's important to replace it as soon as possible. Installing a new windscreen may seem daunting, but with the right tools and knowledge, it's a manageable DIY project. In this article, we'll guide you through the process of installing a new windscreen on your Chrysler vehicle.

Before You Begin

Before starting, make sure you have the necessary tools and equipment. You will need a replacement windscreen, a sealant kit, a utility knife, a scraper or razor blade, and a pair of gloves. It's also important to work in a clean and dry environment, free from dust and debris that can affect the sealant's effectiveness. If possible, work indoors or in a garage with adequate ventilation.

Step 1: Remove the Old Windscreen

Start by removing the old windscreen from your Chrysler vehicle. Use a utility knife or scraper to remove any old adhesive or sealant from the windscreen frame. Be sure to wear gloves and eye protection to prevent injury. Next, use a suction cup or two to lift the old windscreen from the frame. If the windscreen is particularly large or heavy, you may need assistance to avoid dropping and breaking it.

Step 2: Clean the Windscreen Frame

Once the old windscreen is removed, clean the windscreen frame thoroughly. Use a scraper or razor blade to remove any remaining adhesive or sealant, and clean the frame with a solvent-based cleaner to remove any dirt or debris. It's important to ensure that the frame is completely clean and dry before installing the new windscreen.

Step 3: Apply the Sealant

Before installing the new windscreen, apply the sealant to the frame. Use a sealant kit specifically designed for windscreen installation, following the manufacturer's instructions carefully. Apply the sealant in a continuous, uniform bead around the entire frame, ensuring that it's evenly spread and that there are no gaps or air pockets.

Step 4: Install the New Windscreen

Carefully place the new windscreen onto the frame, ensuring that it's properly aligned and seated. Press the windscreen firmly against the sealant to create a strong bond. Use a soft rubber mallet or similar tool to gently tap around the edge of the windscreen, helping to ensure that the windscreen is securely in place and that the sealant is evenly distributed.

Step 5: Clean and Finish

Once the windscreen is installed, use a clean cloth to remove any excess sealant or adhesive from the windscreen and frame. Clean the windscreen with a glass cleaner, and allow the sealant to cure according to the manufacturer's instructions. Avoid driving your Chrysler vehicle for at least an hour after installation to allow the sealant to cure properly.


Installing a new windscreen on your Chrysler vehicle can seem like a daunting task, but with the right tools and knowledge, it's a manageable DIY project. By following the steps above and taking your time to ensure a proper seal, you can replace your windscreen and restore your vehicle's safety and visibility. If you're not comfortable performing the installation yourself, consider taking your vehicle to a professional windscreen installation service to ensure a safe and secure installation.

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